What is forgiveness?  How powerful is forgiveness?  Forgiveness is the greatest healer of all.  It can create an inner change and a spiritual healing.  True forgiveness creates miracles.  The power of forgiveness enables us to move beyond being a victim of life circumstances to empowerment and healing.

During this class, you will come to understand what forgiveness means, why we hold on to old hurts, anger and grievances, learn how to remove obstacles to forgiveness and understanding the miracle of forgiveness.  This learning session will close with a powerful forgiveness exercise.  The class is promised to be insightful and healing.  Expect a miracle for miracles are all around us.

To register, please visit the True North Wellness website calendar.

Cost: $40


This class will be held online using Zoom.

True North Wellness

Pickering Street
Essex, MA 01929








January 24 @ 13:00
13:00 — 15:00 (2h)

True North Wellness

Elizabeth Foley Ph.D.